Developing the ideal pricing scenarios to maximize the sales and profits of your brands is one of the most delicate tasks in business.
Pricing impacts the whole company performance as well as perception of the brands. It's essential to make the decisions based on the best possible data.
Also, developing the ideal pricing scenarios to maximize the sales and profits of your brands is one of the most delicate tasks in business.
Why INFOCUS does it better?
We use the best know-how. Most pricing research is flawed as it requires the customer to remember what they paid for their brands. With IFM Mobile Panel, Consumers immediately can capture your payments via photos of receipts as soon as they have purchased, allowing for accurate price reads by retail outlet. Is a trade-off technique used to understand consumer decision making.
Advanced analytical tools
We also offer one of the best pricing tools in the market in Discrete Choice Modelling, which places respondents in hypothetical scenarios, designed to replicate the purchase environment, and product choices are made. Is a predictive tool that aides understanding of the importance of product features and which bundles of features are most attractive to consumers. Uncovers the drivers of decision making.
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