Typically, Panels are not very representative nor accurate, as there is usually a lack of Quality Control and panel validation. Our process is different…
1. Recruitment.
We use multiple sources in the recruitment process. Everything to guarantee the right representation of your respondents.
2. 100% panelist phone call validation.
We check:
- name, gender & age,
- location, mobile, email,
- marital status / kids /
- income,
- 3 ownership & usage questions.
3. Send demographic survey to all confirmed by SMS.
Software filters data base by reducing duplicates, erroneous data.
Call back all respondents with data discrepancies and validate.
Usually, about 20% of applicants are dismissed from the panel.
Call back all respondents with data discrepancies and validate.
Usually, about 20% of applicants are dismissed from the panel.
4. Call back to any panelist where responses do not link to previous data.
We use 3 strike rule – three non-compliant responses, the panelist is removed.
5. Repeat for each survey.
Each survey repeats “trap questions” to validate responses.
6. Each individual respondent assign unique IP code.
Participant cannot complete the survey twice.
7. Managing the panel we follow the strict privacy policy.
On average, we screen out about 20% of all registered panelists and provide human contact with each valid respondent to ensure validation and participation